Watermelon Strawberry Salad

Before you write this one off let me tell you a little story. Long ago a young college student/ man living off of deli meats and apple juice met a young girl with a passion for experimenting with food. This girl invited this student/man over to try a new dish for dinner. The student/man was apprehensive at first but agreed to be polite. The girl decided to make a salad that paired watermelon with onions, and mint, and of all things feta cheese. The student/man/boy scoffed at the sight, yet tried it anyway. The boy/man/student was shocked by how well the items paired together. It was like his taste buds had finally opened up. That boy/man/student ran from the apartment to go out into the world to tell everyone what he had learned. That boy/man/student was Kanye West!

Okay, it was me, but the salad was really good. Here is how to make this cool summer favorite



3 cups cubed watermelon

1 cup sliced strawberries

1/4 a cup red onion

1/2 cup of feta cheese

1/2 cup of lime juice

1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil

fresh mint leaves



1. Marinate the sliced red onion in lime juice for about 15 minutes then stir in olive oil.

2. Pour red onion mixture over watermelon, cucumber and strawberries.

3.  Toss salad with fresh mint and feta cheese. Serve chilled and store leftovers in an air-tight container in the fridge for up to 4 days. 


Tips and Combinations

Thanks to a close friend, this one is a classic and favorite in my home. How could you not love something that gives you fresh crisp watermelon, fragrant mint, and tart lime all in one bowl?! Add in a bit of S & P to sweeten it up or just go for it with a sprinkle of sugar.  If you need your greens put it on a bed of kale to please the vegan in you. 

This is not just a recipe it is an awakening to recipes that are different and fun! Enjoy. 


For more tips, tricks, recipes, and tutorials check out the  Foodie Stuff section weekly. If you have an amazing recipe or tip that you want to share, send it to verbaldangerofficial@gmail.com and it may be featured in a future post. Follow @VERBALDANGER on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.