Twist on an Old Classic

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I am finally ready to come clean about my long hidden addiction. Back in 2009, it was brought to my attention by friends and family that I had a problem. It was just a premium channel TV show as I walked into my apartment after a long day only to be bombarded with my own inner demons. I was then a heavy juice drinker. I am not proud of my past, but in life we go through stages of reinvention. At every meal I'd have a full glass of various kinds of juices including orange, grape, cranberry, and my favorite apple. I loved to mix them together and sip them while out playing badminton. I would wake up in the middle of the night craving a my fix. Usually a Capri-sun or Hi-C juice box. The person I saw staring back at me as I downed another glass of apple had to go. I'm better now. I found the solution to cutting the sugar and transforming your next filled glass into new kitchen staple. 


Water! The key to your success is water! The push you need to kick the habit is fruit infused water to be exact!

Okay enough fun and games...

I recently rediscovered the joys that come from water infused with your favorite fruits. There is no substitute for the original, yet you are allowed to put a twist on an old classic. The common jackass believes that ordering lemon in their water makes it fruit infused. I am here to tell you that you can do better. All you'll need is a gallon pitcher, fruits, veggies, herbs, and water!

How To Do It

I am going to take you through the last flavor mix that I made for my infused water. 


I cut up two fresh limes and partially squeezed them into the pitcher. I added about eight pineapple chunks (about 1/4 a medium sized pineapple). I added about 10-15 mint leaves. I gave it all a few mashes with the bottom of a empty glass to marry the flavors. Then I added a gallon of water to the pitcher, popped it in the fridge overnight. 

There are endless combinations. Here are some of my favorites:









Always try to remember that in total the fruit/veggie/herbs are about 1/8 of the container used to infuse the water. You can also eat any fruits or veggies that are infusing your water at the end. I try change my flavors every two days. Get creative with your infusing! Some combinations are good for working out, detoxing the body, and others are just plain tasty what ever the occasion. 

Tips For New Habits

If you are trying to ditch your soda habit start off with sparkling waters. I like to use fruit infused ice cubes. I cannot say that everything will work in the beginning for your taste buds, but trying something new cannot hurt. 

Being able to get more water into your everyday life will lead to more healthy options. You eventually eat these fruits and veggies along with drinking your water. 

For more tips, tricks, recipes, and tutorials check out the Foodie Stuff section. If you have an amazing recipe or tip that you want to share send it to and it may be featured in a future post.