Soy Garlic Asparagus

I cannot make this side dish any more simple. There are only 5 ingredients! Here is how I did it!


1 pound of asparagus

2/3 cup of soy sauce

2 tablespoons of olive oil

1 tablespoon of black pepper

5 garlic gloves (chopped, minced, sliced, crushed....I used a garlic press)




1. Take one stalk of asparagus and bend it until there is a natural break. Use that spot as a guide for cutting off the tougher end towards the flat part of the stalk. *I wish there was a photo, but I will be sure to update the post with one the next time I eat the green. 

2. Preheat an oven to 475 degrees. 

3. Mix together soy sauce, olive oil, black pepper, and garlic. Whisk, stir, or shake to combine.

4. Line asparaguses in one layer on a non-stick foil-lined or well-greased sheet pan. *Take the necessary precautions to prevent sticking and easy cleanup. 

5. Pour soy mixture over asparaguses and toss to coat. 

6. Bake for 8-12 mins or until caramelization begins at the bottom of the pan. 

7. Eat and enjoy!


Tips and Combinations

If you are a hater of asparagus then move along. I love the green stalks even with the smelly after effects. I remember the first time I actually had them, in my opinion, prepared right (at least one right way). I was visiting a friend's family in Texas and her mom made asparagus grilled with such a simple seasoning of just salt, pepper, and lots of garlic. The charring of the asparagus allowed the garlic powder to stick and create this coating of sorts. Thanks, mama Maxey! 

I like to think that my food preferences come out of life experiences. Those experiences had with other people and those that come out of my own thoughts. Don't turn your nose up at any food unless you have tried it and decided it is not for you. 

Add some onion powder before placing those asparaguses in the oven for an extra layer of flavor. Try this same sauce with a kale sauteed or roasted brussell sprouts. You won't be disappointed. 


For more tips, tricks, recipes, and tutorials check out the  Food section weekly. If you have an amazing recipe or tip that you want to share, send it to and it may be featured in a future post. Follow @VERBALDANGER on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.