Random Eats of the Week #1

Monday - Cracker encrusted Cod

Monday - Cracker encrusted Cod

This is a new series of posts where I show and tell you about the foods and snacks I eat in between the wonderful recipes that you can make.  Not all the food I eat is as pretty as the official recipe post. I don't always eat the healthiest foods throughout the week, but I will tell you about them nonetheless. Some actually turn into official recipes but don't expect any official measurements in this post.

I will do my best to explain them in detail just in case you want to try a piece of the method. Okay, on to the food. 






What you see here is cracker encrusted cod. I can't seem to throw anything out, so when I came across a half opened box of herb crackers, I had to do something with them. I ground them up with a little salt and pepper then used the classic dredging method of flour/egg/crumb cracker mixture. I seasoned the fish with Old Bay.....typical. I seasoned the flour with a with more salt, pepper, and some garlic powder. I pan fried the fish in shallow oil. The only side was a super grain mix of quinoa and .....I forget the other stuff. Lastly, the sauce is just my crazy crack sauce, which should be a recipe posted already because I make it at least once a month. On to the next day....


I will be honest with you. I cooked breakfast, but then it all fell apart that day. I made Friday's recipe post of the Date and Goat Cheese pizza then went out to help a friend. The later it gets in the day the less likely I am to cook dinner. That is not always the case, but it happens pretty regularly when my errands run past 8 PM. So, I had my all-time favorite late night fast food......TACO BELL. It was delicious, even though I regretted it later on that night. The crunchwrap box is for all foodies. Don't judge me! On to the next day....


What you see below is the combination of the rest of that date and goat cheese pizza put into scrambled egg/omelet form. I just threw all the ingredients into a pan, heated them up, dropped in a few eggs, then put it under the broiler for a nice crust over the top. I don't know what I'd do without a broiler. The ingredients were caramelized onions, chopped dates, cooked pork sausage, and goat cheese. The avocado is just a nice touch on the side. It was delightful. 

Every plate can't be a picture of perfection. 

Every plate can't be a picture of perfection. 

Hump day continued with a lovely dinner of soy garlic asparagus, pasta with pesto, and some lovely seasoned and pan fried chicken. The seasonings were salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and lots of smoked paprika. I love smoked paprika. It was actually a pretty good day for cooking. The sun was out, the stars were bright, the TV was on..... Okay, on to the next day...

That chicken was so good. Just look at it sizzle. 

That chicken was so good. Just look at it sizzle. 


I pretty much snacked all day. I had leftover chicken and pasta pesto for lunch, but that is about it. Well, that is about it for the successes of that day. I record my weekly tech podcast at 6 PM, so I had plenty of time to ruin a couple baking recipes. Starting with my sad attempt at almond flour bread. It was a total disaster. I forgot to add in some type of rising agent. I even tried to save it by throwing it into a pan hoping that would firm up the center (which just would not rise). I revamped my recipe and made a no knead bread that will be coming soon with two versions. I also butchered my first time making....I don't know what to call it. I tried to make PB&J pop tarts. Yeah...... moving on. Dinner consisted of an orange and some of Trader Joe's new, or maybe it's old, Bollywood-popcorn which has vegan tikka masala seasoning.  On to the success of Friday!

Oh baby...bread!

Oh baby...bread!


I did it! I finally perfected my recipe for bread. I hate kneading dough. I don't have a fancy mixer with a dough-hook, so manpower is all that works. I can't give you the recipe yet, but take a look at this first version. It came out great! 

Final thoughts! I have none, just keep on eating! Keep on cooking! 







For more tips, tricks, recipes, and tutorials check out the  Food section weekly. If you have an amazing recipe or tip that you want to share, send it to verbaldangerofficial@gmail.com and it may be featured in a future post. Follow @VERBALDANGER on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.