Southwest Breakfast Wrap

Obviously, I'm too busy to sit down and have a quiet meal while reading the paper and sipping tea. So, instead of stopping for a minute to catch my breath I made my day easier with a trio of wraps. First, let us begin with breakfast the most important meal of the day!

Check out my Sriracha-Honey Chicken Wrap for lunch and Dill Salmon Wrap for dinner!




roma tomatoes


red and or green bell pepper



cayenne pepper

smoked paprika


*I could tell you how much to put in YOUR wrap, but that would be very silly in this case. You are smart enough to examine the dimensions of your wrap before cooking a massive skillet of ingredients. However, I will say that for an individual serving it is 1/2 avocado, 1/2 roma tomato, 2 eggs, a couple mushrooms, as much onion as you want, about two leaves of lettuce or kale, and don't forget to season with S & P. Throw a little cayenne pepper in your eggs to kick it up a notch! Thanks Emeril for all your wisdom.


1. In a pan over medium heat saute your onions, mushrooms, and bell peppers with a couple tablespoons of oil until tender.

2. Lower the heat and add your eggs to the pan. Scrap the pan and stir the mixture with a spatula to achieve a fluffy scrambled egg. *Remove the pan from the heat when eggs are slightly under-cooked; they will continue to cook with the residual heat from the pan. 

3. Time to assemble your handheld beauty. First, grab your wrap and put down a layer of thinly sliced avocado, top with your scrambled eggs and veggies, sprinkle on some tomatoes, throw in some lettuce, and ROLL!


Tips and Combinations

"Danny, you forgot the meat!" Wrong. The wonderful part about cooking is the countless possibilities that come with customizing your food. Add in some cheese if you like, ditch the avocado for ham, bacon or sausage! 

Roll Technique - I like burrito style most of the time for my wrapping processes, but if you are a purest, simply fill on the diagonal and pull the opposite corners inward to close the wrap. Basically, fill southwest to northeast and roll from east to west......get it.....well you will learn your own methods anyway!

Remember, I'm not saying this is the only way to prepare this recipe, more like this is one way....


For more tips, tricks, recipes, and tutorials check out the  Foodie Stuff section weekly. If you have an amazing recipe or tip that you want to share, send it to and it may be featured in a future post. Follow @VERBALDANGER on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.