The Morning Walk 12/18/15

Hooray! It is finally the weekend. We made it through another week. I decided that the first thing I needed to do was call someone on my walk. I left the house with an upbeat attitude as I chatted with an old friend about life in general. I wanted to tell them about a new opportunity coming up in my life. It is always good to let the people you love in on what you hope to achieve. They may not always understand, but a good friend will always support your decisions to better yourself. 

I didn’t notice much on the first half of my walk due to my intense BFF conversation this morning, but the lovely call ended halfway through my trip. I was just about to make this morning’s loop back at Fig and Adams when I noticed this grand church on the corner. It wasn’t the first time I saw this church, yet today in the sunlight it stood out. I have passed by it many times. I’ve seen weddings happening and Quinceaneras taking place and lots of people like myself admiring the church’s structure. Confession. I love a good building skyline. I enjoy the look of contrasting parallel lines at varying heights. I can’t get enough of an intricately constructed building. I suppose I could get lost watching how the look of any building can change throughout the day. I actually did get lost in the moment and almost killed someone. Okay, it wouldn’t have been manslaughter, but I was caught up in my phone trying to take a note about this grand old church when I almost ran into another pedestrian. I’d like to think this guy was also stunned by this building’s elegance.

I kept my pace strong and continued to walk back home. I noticed for a 3rd day in a row a young lady waiting by the bus stop. I don’t think she was waiting on the bus because two came and went but she sat firmly planted. I wondered if she was waiting on someone or just doing what I did while walking. Maybe I should sit on the porch and watch for a day instead of walking out into this crazy world. I doubt each post would convey the same sense of joy that comes with observing my surroundings.

I have also seen the same little brown dog each day roaming the sidewalk. He just walks right past me every morning. No collar or owner in sight. I have the urge to pick him or her up and take them home with me. This dog is a true survivor if it has been out on its own for the last few chilly Los Angeles nights. Can I just say that the chill is unreal. I am a southerner so I’m accustomed to Frozen winters, but I have been led into a false sense of security in So Cal. I look forward to the global warming, but not the sunlight in my eyes. I’m pretty picky.

As I made my way across the very last intersection and down the street toward my house, I noticed a change in my demeanor. I am walking a little faster and my body is standing up a little straighter. I am enjoying the work I’m doing to get healthier. I think that should be the goal of every week. You want to make it slightly better than the last week. Whether you did something new, called an old friend, got a new opportunity, or even started to write a blog about your daily activities, you just have to make it all worth patting yourself on the back.

My wish for your weekend is that you make it great not for anyone else, but for you and you alone.

I hope that my morning helped you start yours. Tomorrow is just a story away.


Morning Count: 7164 steps, 3.52 miles, 658 calories