Strawberry Orange Lemon Infused Water


Fruit infused water are my go-to in the hot summer months. I am a bit of a juice-aholic. I would rather have a cold glass of apple juice than eat the actual apple. It became a bit of a problem back in college when my mini fridge was inches away from my bed. I had easy access to all my cold beverage delights and I didn't even have to sit upright. I like to try different flavors everytime I make a new batch. It helps me get more water into my diet without all the extra sugars. 

This particular blend is great for the lover of tart things. I like it so much that I sometimes forget I didn't buy it from a fancy overpriced health food store. The process is simple, here is how I make it. 


1 orange

1 lemon

1 cup of strawberries

1 gallon of water



Cut strawberries into halves and put them into a gallon water pitcher. Slice the orange and lemon into rings and add them to the pitcher. Use a spoon to muddle the different fruits together to bring out their juices. Pour 1 gallon of water over the fruit and put the pitcher in the fridge for 4 hours or more.  

Enjoy this one chilled with your choice of fresh fruit to garnish. 


Tips and Combinations

I also love love love the flavor combos of pineapple, lime, and mint. No combination is off limits. If you like it then infuse you water with it. Don't be shy, get to infusing!


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