Parmesan Asparagus


It looks simple because it is that simple. An easy side dish for an easy life! Here is what you'll need...


1 pound of fresh asparagus 

1/2 cup of grated Parmesan cheese

1/2 teaspoon of black pepper

1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder

2 tablespoons of olive oil




1. Take one stalk of asparagus and bend it until there is a natural break. Use that spot as a guide for cutting off the tougher end towards the flat part of the stalk. *I wish there was a photo, but I will be sure to update the post with one the next time I eat the green. 

2. In a skillet over medium heat, place the oil in and cook the asparagus until soft. 

3. In a large bowl combine black pepper, garlic powder, and grated Parmesan cheese. Toss asparagus in cheese until coated.

4. Serve and Eat!



Tips and Combinations

Would you believe this recipe takes about 15 minutes? Well, it does! If you buy your asparagus pre-cut and cleaned then it takes even less time. 

The cheese is key in this recipe. I know that it may be tempted to use another cheese, but Parmesan sticks to the stalks a lot better than other varieties. 

Try not to have to much fun eating this one.... or do. 




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