Corn Flake French Toast

This one came to me in a dream. Okay, that is a lie! It was a day-dream. It is a simpler version of the original Stuffed French Toast recipe that spawned my Food section of the site. Here is what you'll need. 








Ingredients (3-4 servings)

6 slices of bread (Knead-less Bread Recipe

2 large eggs

1 cup of milk

2 tablespoons of brown sugar

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

1 dash of nutmeg (Allspice works too!)

1 pinch of salt



1. Using a serrated knife cut the bread into one-inch slices. 

2. In a large bowl, whisk eggs, milk, cinnamon, sugar, nutmeg, and salt until well combined. Set mixture aside for dipping. 

3. Crush cornflakes inside Ziploc bag for easy cleanup and pour onto a plate for coating the bread. 

*Pieces should vary in size when crushed for more texture when frying.

4. Dip each slice of bread for 30 seconds per side in the egg mixture. Then coat each side in the cornflake pieces. Press down before flipping to the opposite side. Place each piece aside so that the coating can adhere to the bread. 

5. Over medium to low heat, melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a large non-stick pan.

6. Lay each slice into the pan and cook until sides are a deep golden brown. 

7. Top finished french toast with powdered sugar, extra fruit, and maple syrup. 

8. Eat!




Tips and Combinations

You could really coat this bread in any cereal of your choice. Some cereals may work a lot better than others, but who am I to say no to Fruit Loop encrusted French toast. 

My only tip for this recipe is to keep a close eye on the toast when frying. It goes quickly from golden brown to black and burnt in seconds. Send me pics of how it turned out for you! Until next time. 


For more tips, tricks, recipes, and tutorials check out the  Food section weekly. If you have an amazing recipe or tip that you want to share, send it to and it may be featured in a future post. Follow @VERBALDANGER on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Snapchat.