Oatmeal Packet Cookies

This one comes out of spring cleaning. While prepping my fruits and veggies (see this post here) for the coming month, I came across a box of instant oatmeal packets. I can't remember if I bought them or if a friend left them. People come to visit and buy strange things, then leave them in my apartment. Oatmeal isn't all that strange, but I only really enjoy two flavors, yet no box only has peaches & cream and strawberries & cream. I had a light bulb moment and got inspired! I don't have any oatmeal to make cookies, so why not cut out the middleman and use these packets. 

Of course, I had to do my research and take out some of the ingredients already included in each packet. I got rid of all the white sugar, salt and used packets without dried fruits included. The fun is adding all of your own extras. Here is what I came up with...

Ingredients (Yields 12-14 cookies)

½ cup of butter

½ cup of brown sugar

1 egg

½ teaspoon Vanilla extract

1 cup of flour

1 cup of cranberries (half for the mix, half for topping cookies)

3 packets of instant oatmeal packets (43g sized)

½  teaspoon of baking soda

½ teaspoon of cinnamon

*For an even chewier cookie use 1 cup of butter. I prefer mine like the old style iced oatmeal cookies that I grew up on. #memories 


1. Use a mixer to cream together butter and sugar until light and fluffy. *A whisk works if you are without a mixer, but it a workout to say the least.

2. Add in one egg and the vanilla extract, beat until combined. 

3. Shift together flour, baking soda, and cinnamon. Then stir the flour mixture into the wet ingredients in batches until just combined. 

4. Add in half the cranberries (evenly distribute them throughout the dough). Cover and chill an hour and a half. 

5. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Roll cookie dough into walnut sized balls onto a greased or parchment lined cookie sheet.

6. Place a few of the remaining cranberries on top of each ball, then use the bottom of a glass or ....whatever handheld flat surface you have to flatten out each cookie.

7. Turn the oven down to 325 degrees before placing cookies inside. Bake cookies for 15-18 minutes or until golden around edges. 

8. Enjoy!


Tips and Combinations

You can add in any dried fruit without significantly changing the texture of these cookies. I even suggest a nut or two. OMG, pecan cranberry cookies are the best! Ditch the cranberries and go full on with chocolate chunks. 

I really hate to throw anything out. So, instead of letting things go bad (I only trust some use by dates) I'll find new ways to incorporate it into a meal or dish. Just as this post is being written I'm trying out a date and goat cheese pizza experiment. I can't resist a good homemade pizza. 

I challenge you to try a new ingredient that is an old favorite from the pantry. 


For more tips, tricks, recipes, and tutorials check out the  Food section weekly. If you have an amazing recipe or tip that you want to share, send it to verbaldangerofficial@gmail.com and it may be featured in a future post. Follow @VERBALDANGER on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.