5 Kitchen Essentials

Scenario: It is about 5:30PM and your stomach starts to growl. You are home alone and hungry. Why are you alone and hungry? I know. It is because recently your significant other left you due to your lack of cooking skills.

But VerbalDanger, I just don’t know how to cook anything. *sobs silently*

Fear not lonely hungry individual, I am here to help you on the road to self reliance.

Most people think learning how to cook starts with the food. Wrong! In order to understand the skill that is cooking food, you must first prepare your environment.

Your Kitchen Environment!

There are 5 kitchen essentials that everyone needs to have before real cooking can begin. Of course there are many tools and techniques that help you cook better, but I feel these things are great for even the most inept wannabe chef.


First you need a good foundation ....The Cutting Board

Some people would disagree with the first item on this list, but I saw the error of my ways after buying a good cutting board. I have had many kinds over the years including plastic and wood. I eventually ended up with my current board made of bamboo. I learned how to chop foods better once I obtained a good chopping area. I use the board to cut everything but meats (cross contamination be gone). Each board has to be cared for in a slightly different way, so don’t just use it and abuse it. Love it! Long ago in my college years (a couple years ago), I was using any and everything to cut my food on. Some college savvy stayed because I sometimes use the board as a tray table. The board allows me to carry my soup and salad to the couch so that I may lounge and eat.

Works like a charm. Multi-functional Buys!

Find out what works best for you. If the board costs over $10 then you are probably paying too much.


Straight to the Point ....The Knife

The second item on this list is no-brainer. You wouldn’t buy a cutting board without buying something that cuts. And no scissors aren’t allowed. Everyone needs to invest in a knife that can complete many tasks. I suggest going for a bigger knife that can be used to mince garlic as well as chop through a chicken bone. I use this one knife for everything! You don’t have to go the expensive route for a good knife, but quality is key in the selection process. Naturally, I headed over to Wally World (Walmart) and purchased my baby. Like most amateur chefs I keep my dream knife set on my running Christmas list. Hope Santa reads my letter this year.


Savor the flavor with Spices

How can you even expect to cook any food with flavor? The biggest part of flavor is the seasoning. As a human being, you need to at least have the basics. I don’t think anyone should try cooking any meal without salt, pepper, garlic and or onion powder. I literally use these spices in just about every meal. I only just in the past few years discovered my love of smoked paprika, but that is for the advanced class.

If you are making anything at this moment put down the whisk, spoon, or spatula and don’t walk, but run to the store and improve your spice cabinet.

Eventually, you will learn what spices are your go-to, so experiment along the way. I buy different spices every time I make a new and familiar meal. I am always trying out new flavors and combinations to improve the recipe. Spices are cheap and expensive so start off slow. I love to shop at the  99Cent Store for my spices because sometimes garlic powder will taste the same no matter how much it costs. Then again when the spice is right, you’ll spend a bit more and sometimes fresh herbs are better! *However, that $8 bottle of Rosemary really does give my fried chicken an extra something something.


You don't have a Pot or Pan to Piss In!

You could just wrap all your food in enough foil that it doesn’t fall through the oven rake, but that will get old quick. Having a good pot and pan will help you succeed when trying to impress that new date with a home cooked meal. I love big cast iron skillet which are sometimes deep enough to be your pot as well. You can even buy a huge pot that has a wide base with shorter sides and use it as a pan too.

I don’t actually think there is a right or wrong choice, but go big or eat take out!

My one tip for buying great cookware is to invest in quality. I know when people here quality they think empty wallets, but you can find great items on a budget. My cast iron skillet was $18 from Wally World and they’re known to last a lifetime. You can fund a lifetime of meals with the money it takes to buy two large one topping pizzas. You are welcomed!


The Meal is a cook's Holy Grail

The single most important kitchen essential is the meal. I don’t mean just any random meal. I mean one of your favorite meals that you can eat anytime. Before the crowd screams pizza, let us think “easy anytime meals” that can be customized. For the sake of the novice, I choose pasta and sauce as my go to hunger stopper. You can simply chop up some veggies, throw in a can of sauce and put it over any type of pasta. I always have these two ingredients on hand in my house. No matter what the occasion or unexpected guest you can whip up a pasta dish.

Some of my favorites include Spaghetti and Meatballs, Chicken Alfredo, Shrimp and Pesto Fettuccini, and the list goes on and on.

So in order to overcome your microwave addiction and flourish in the world of cooking these essentials will help. By no means am I a world renowned chef, but I only felt it right to enlighten the masses with the list of things that helped me go from kitchen fool to kitchen cool.

I do love a good pun.

For more tips, tricks, recipes, and tutorials come back to the site every Wednesday under the Foodie Stuff section. If you have an amazing recipe or tip that you want to share send it to verbaldangerofficial@gmail.com and it may be featured in a future post.

Now, go cook something amazing and weird for someone who makes you feel special!