Day 1: Let's Go On A Road Trip!
The last 10 months of my life haven't gone exactly as planned. I spent a year working for a company that forced me to give up on the just-getting-by-thought-process that my generation has adopted as its motto. Then out of nowhere, I was fired! Well actually I was given the option to resign.
Did you see it coming? I wasn't surprised if that answers your question.
The funny thing about being told to get lost is that you realize it is the best thing for both parties. I left work that day finally being able to breathe. I knew things could potentially get really hard from then on.
I spent all of 5 seconds thinking about how bad it could get and moved on to how great it will be to find a job where I belong. Once you decide to cut the bullshit out of your life so many aspects become clear. I was never really big on following trends or playing the Game of Thrones. Pop Culture Reference Alert!
Danny are you on a magical journey to find yourself? Unfortunately, I found myself ages ago.
The way I'm living my life now is to surround myself with people who enjoy the time, no matter how little, that we spend together. If you are honest with yourself and others then all things will fall into place. I think that it has to feel right in order to be done correctly. You can't live boldly if you speak softly. I decided to tackle each day with a mix of it could be worse and a heavy dose of wonder, whimsy, and laughter.
So, what do you do when a friend asks you to drive across country?
You say yes with all the energy you can muster without fainting and hitting your head on the side table next to your bed.
I actually didn't think Thelma to my Louise was serious at first, but before I knew it my bag was packed, my windows were shut and I was off into the fray.
However, it was not before we loaded down her Honda Civic with all manner of items. I played organizer to make sure the big screen TV fit snugly with mounds of clothes, shoes, and even a still fresh off the commencement stage cap and gown. Congratulations are in order for all my 2016 graduates.
When the trunk finally shut, the doors finally closed, and the GPS decided to work properly, we hit the 110 to the 10........
.........ugh I still hate how Californians put "the" in front of the freeway name.
We got on the highway to slight traffic and made a quick stop in Pasadena for a free dinner courtesy of aunt and uncle. The trip officially started around 8......9......8:30-ish on Tuesday.
I was all smiles for the first 274 miles or 4 hours and 11 minutes it took to get to our rest stop....friend stop. Then the fun really began as I laid on the couch to catch some sleep and got surprisingly intimate with a new friend at 2AM....
Route Checker:
Los Angeles To Las Vegas - 280 miles *Pit stop in Pasadena
Los Angeles To Final Destination - 2,597 miles
Miles To Go - 2,317
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